本校原為鄰近的南投縣西嶺國小分校,至民國48年(1959)獨立,幾經變遷更名,成為今日的南投縣南投市文山國小,創校至今已逾六十年。受少子化與人口外移的影響,目前學生人數約在70人上下。 本校位於八卦山脈末端,鄰近「猴探井」風景區,地屬南投市福山里。此地以施姓人家為數最眾,素有「施厝坪」之稱;又因紅土地質,古稱「紅腳蹄庄」,肥沃的紅土孕育了馳名遠近的青山茶、薑、荔枝與鳳梨等農產。本校學生來自南投市福山、永興兩里,家長多務農、工,性格樸實、環境單純。近年因觀光景點「天空之橋」的興起,為社區帶來觀光人潮與經濟收益。 本校在民國88年發生的921大地震中,幸運地損失輕微,因此成為鄰近南投市許多學校臨時安置學生之所在。後因老舊校舍不堪使用,獲得政府補助,於民國97年,開啟了新建校舍工程;紅磚色系的新建校舍於民國98年(2009)年竣工,堅固美觀的建築成為社區地標。 本校在直笛、橋藝與各項學藝、運動等項目的推展上,不遺餘力,也逐漸成為具有指標性質的學校特色。近年來不僅戮力於各項課程的活化,教師團隊也致力於「閱讀」、「環境保護」與「教學技術」等各項教育專業領域的全面提升。本校之畢業校友,在各行各業中均有優秀且傑出的發展,學校成為帶動社區文教發展與休閒活動之中心。
Our school is currently in its 60th year. In the beginning, our school only had two or three classrooms as it was a branch of Si Ling Elementary School. These classrooms were established so that the students wouldn't have to go so far to school. Three years later, our school was given its own name (Wun Shan), principal, and teachers. The area where our school is located is also known as "Red Foot Village" as the rich red soil sticks to feet and shoes. In the early years, when no one had money to buy shoes, everyone had red feet from walking on the soil. Even today, our shoes are red as we still have the red soil at our school. This rich soil is also famous for growing the four major crops in this area which are: ginger, lychee, pineapple, and green tea. Most of the parents of the children at our school were farmers in times past but today half are farmers and half are laborers. Our parents are hardworking, practical people. In 1999, after 9/21 our school was fortunate not to suffer any damage. In 2008, our school began a reconstruction process to build new modern classrooms. Our teachers and students now have the best equipment available to enhance their teaching and learning experiences. |